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The Parador at Sigënza is a converted castle, situated in the south of Castile. We travelled across the mountains to the south of Lagrono where we had been on Sunday and through the parque natural Sierra de Cebollera. The views were stunning, the roads winding, with heights of up to 2000 metres above sea level. The journey while not far in distance took us 4 hours including a short break for a drink and a stretch of our legs in a small town called Almazàn.

Once we were unpacked / settled, we went into the courtyard where tables and chairs were set out, for lunch and a drink. Our room had a balcony overlooking this courtyard. It was finally properly warm and then so. This meant that after dinner we were able to sit out late on the balcony and enjoy a bottle of wine picked up in the village for €5.

Down into town from the Parador

While there we ascertained that the cathedral was closed and that next day it wouldn’t be open in the morning. We decided to postpone our trip round until just before departure on Wednesday.

At last we were able to enjoy a buffet next morning. The main thing is that breakfasts are timed and that you wear a mask and use bamboo tweezers to pick up your food. It certainly tests your dexterity. After breakfast we drove down into town for supplies for a picnic and realised that it was a much busier place than we had realised on walking around the previous afternoon. That has probably been a feature of the whole trip. Thankfully we squeezed in somewhere.

A day out near Sigüenza

First off we drove to a town called Atienza but a ruined castle sitting above. We didn’t go up to the castle but managed to have a look around the small church.

We climbed up through the hills and I managed a couple of pictures of the scenery. In the main cereal crops, but the contrast between those fields, the dark brown soil and the otherwise barren land is stark.

Berlanga do Duero is a smallish town with a large cathedral. We managed to get inside just before it closed for lunch. The lady selling tickets seems especially anxious we get out before 2pm. There was also a castle currently under renovation. From there we filled up with petrol and found a place to picnic. It was a lovely secluded, shaded area.

Our final stop that day was Burgo de Osomo. A town with another large cathedral that we went to see once it opened at 4pm. In general I was underwhelmed by the places we visited, but enjoyed the day out and picnic.

The Cathedral at Sigüenza

Next morning we visited the cathedral at 11 which was the reported opening hour. A service was in progress while we walked around which was a little bizarre. I particularly loved thee courtyard area (which is very me). The church has an authenticated El Greco which is extremely valuable and rare.

Overall Sigüenza was a lovely place for it’s castle parador, we had a wonderful room and enjoyed our balcony. It’s also a town at the forefront of fighting during the Spanish Civil War, as were the other places visited during this part of the trip. Otherwise it was just a place to stop along the way and experience Spanish life.

The El Greco

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