Once again I’ve gone weeks without posting here. But stand by for an avalanche of posts, because from Monday this will be my travel blog for the next two months.
After almost a year at home (save a couple of weekend breaks) we are leaving on Monday for Spain and then France. Usually I keep a handwritten diary of my travels, but this time I’ve decided to use this blog. I’ll likely make a few notes in a book but am very keen to keep an electronic record which I can add images too. Hopefully by the end of the summer my blog will be revitalised (Well I hope it will be).
Preparations for travel are much more complicated at the moment due to the Covid pandemic. What’s more the rules change almost daily it seems. When we decided to travel via Spain we did so because the rules for Spain were less strict than France. At that time we couldn’t easily visit France without a good reason. Now because we are double vaccinated there would be no problems at all. Thankfully a covid test is not required for either country before travel if you are double vaccinated.
To enter Spain we need to complete a locator form which contains a QR code and show our vaccination certificate either on the NHS App or a paper copy. We have the app but are going to print everything off to be on the safe side. In France you will soon need proof of vaccination to get in to most venues – restaurants, museums, swimming pools, you name it. I have the French app but again we will probably use a paper copy. Our UK QR codes won’t work in Europe, I really do wish these people would get their act together. Update – since I started writing this the French are now able to read our QR code, so I now need to upload my cert to their app.
The Journey
We set off on Monday and our ferry leaves Portsmouth at 17.30, the journey takes 24 hours. On board we have a cabin (an obvious necessity given we need to spend a night). They tend to be small and basic, plus the engine noises make for a slightly disturbed sleep. But in the morning we will be sailing closer to Spain and warm weather. I hope to catch up on reading, some cross stitch and maybe a little blogging, depending on what takes my fancy.
Then once we arrive in Bilbao we will head to our Airbnb where we are staying for a couple of nights. From there our fun, Spanish adventure and this travel blog can properly begin. See you there.
Wonderful! Spain is on my bucket list! We’re just returning from a week on the central western cost of California. Absolutely gorgeous!
Wonderful. Isn’t it good to be able to travel?