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Blogging A-Z Challenge 2021: Fear

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“Do one thing every day that scares you.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt

I guess that the only thing that often stops you doing something you want to is fear itself. Will I make a fool of myself, will I make a mistake, will I end up in a worse place than I started? All questions that stop creativity and development. Over time I’ve learned to do it anyway, even if I often procrastinate along the way.

A month ago, I was ready to give up on this blog. It’s a lot of trouble, keeping two blogs going. Plus, I keep on saying here that I’m planning to do something, or I start it and next thing, I haven’t. But actually I do have something to say and maybe I can help others along the way.

That’s why I am inviting others to contribute here. As I’ve mentioned before I am mostly a sex blogger. I wanted to create a space where I could write about everything else. A place that would definitely be safe for work. Food, Fitness and Health is intended to be loosely about any of those things in their broadest sense.

Hopefully I will be introducing a fellow blogger soon who is going to join me here. I hope they will be the first of many. Either one off guest blog posts, a series of posts or something more permanent. Before the call out I had a fear that I was deluding myself and no one would be interested, but it turns out I was wrong. Let’s take a leaf out of Eleanor’s book and do something we fear everyday. I reckon it will make us better people in the long run!

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