I’d like to stop weighing myself, but at the moment I’m a bit obsessed. Thankfully there has been progress since I began the low carbohydrate diet on Monday. As of this morning I’m at my lowest weight in over a year and have lost 4lb since I started on Monday.
I admit I haven’t followed everything to the letter. One caffeine with milk drink a day. Plus I had chickpeas and dried apricots in the tagine I made last night. But given the other sacrifices it seems a small thing. Plus, I ate brussel sprouts with it instead of couscous.
Tomorrow is weigh in day at Slimming World and I have no worries about standing on the scales. I’m very pleased with my progress and am going to push forward. I plan to have a little wine over the weekend and be a little less strict before restarting on Monday. with the second part of the diet.
Below are a few of my lunches from this week.